The month of February is American Heart Month and this year, we want to highlight an often overlooked or misdiagnosed medical issue, women’s heart disease. Even though heart disease affects men and women equally, heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. But sadly, according to the American Heart […]
Are You Really Covered? Part 11 – Towing and Labor (Optional Coverage)
This Part of the Standard Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Policy is fairly straightforward and provides optional coverage in the event your vehicle requires towing to a nearby service center for repairs. The amount of coverage varies, so it is important to speak with your insurer to determine your actual reimbursement rate. Towing charges generally depend on […]
Are You Really Covered? Part 10 – Substitute Transportation (Optional Coverage)
Part 10 of the Standard Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Policy provides optional reimbursement coverage for substitute transportation while your vehicle is being repaired or until it has been replaced because of a collision or any other reason, such as theft, vandalism, weather, animals, etc. You cannot claim any reimbursement unless you lose the use of your […]
Are You Really Covered? Part 9 – Comprehensive (Optional Coverage)
As discussed earlier, Part 7 (Optional Collision) of the Standard Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Policy covers you if the total loss or damage to your vehicle was caused by a crash. On the other hand, Part 9 of your policy provides coverage in the event your vehicle is rendered a total loss by means other than […]
Do Medication Errors in Nursing Homes Put Loved Ones At Risk?
“Chronic Understaffing in Nursing Homes and the Impacts on Healthcare” 1. “It’s just a form of neglect”: Nursing homes face severe staffing shortages, putting elderly at risk” 2. “Most US nursing homes are understaffed, potentially compromising health care for more than a million elderly residents” 3. “Nursing home staff shortage left residents in ‘serious harm.’” 4. […]